Sep 19, 2011

The whole world's secret

If you are still looking for bliss, for love, for success, for power or any other desirable wonder, then let me tell you that you will keep looking forever and not find it... Once in a while you might think you've made the big hit only to face deception and delusion following a little later. You will find out that it has never been there or that you've lost it for reasons that you can't really explain or understand.

You won't find it unless you understand that the secret lies within you, not outside somewhere in the vast universum of shining objects or in tricks of a fake magician that really doesn't exist. True magic without any kind of illusion stands right there in your heart. If you face yourself, you will see your fears and start battling them. Suddenly love will be there, no matter where you are, what you do or even who you are. Love for yourself.

We all have important tasks to fulfill in our lives, we may dedicate us to do good work to bring forward the human race in its evolution, but the most honourable task is to bring light in yourself (by) enjoying life on earth. Most of the time it's the simple things that make life great and the heart happy. You don't have to be financially rich or look like a fashion model.

In order to rescue yourself, all you have to do is turn on the spiritual light, use your heart and see the beauty around and especially within you. Believe it, by rescueing yourself, you will also rescue the whole world.

"Ask not of things to shed their veils. Unveil yourselves, and things will be unveiled." (Mikhail Naimy, The Book of Mirdad)

1 comment:

  1. Perfect!! Switch on the light :)

    Love and Gratitude
