Sep 27, 2011


Now, after reading chapters 1-3, I want to invite you to the following thought experiment: What if we human beings are atoms for example. Mother Earth is a cell. The universe is an organ. And that organ belongs to another higher living being? Just watch the video from Simpsons and you know what I mean. Can we 100% be sure that this scenario is impossible?Stop being afraid and accept this idea, even though it might sound scary.

Well and what if that higher being in reality is again another atom? Space and time as we know would lose all its meanings. In fact, many things would lose their meaning, would we still behave as we currently behave? Here is an ethical game for the most advanced (and totally crazy J) thinkers: What if that higher being we lived in (this higher being is not god), is not a good or decent “person”, but a mean living being in its own world, for example someone we’d consider to be a serial killer or a cruel dictator that we’d lock up behind bars? What if by continuing to supply the universe with our human energy we contribute to the good living of this serial killer? Shouldn’t we stop doing that? One might argue that the instinct for self preservation is stronger than anything else. In any case, we simply can’t know if we are a cell of a good or bad higher being. 

We might think we are fair by doing the best we can in this world, but in reality we make it worse because we help the serial killer to live. This would mean that we’d be doing well if we continue to destroy planet earth and ourselves because by that we knock out the serial killer that lives by our energy. That is why in universal terms, in the truest sense of the word, all could be relative.

Let me have a final word. Even after all relativity, I believe in the goodness of god and in all his creatures. Everything has a meaning. Good and evil. Without darkness there can’t be light. Therefore, I believe we as human beings have to fight for peace, wealth and bliss for really everybody on earth.
Final Chapter.

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