Dec 18, 2011

Rumi - The Privileged Lovers (Poetry)

The Privileged Lovers

"The moon has become a dancer
at this festival of love.
This dance of light,
This sacred blessing,
This divine love,
beckons us
to a world beyond
only lovers can see
with their eyes of fiery passion.
They are the chosen ones
who have surrendered.
Once they were particles of light
now they are the radiant sun.
They have left behind
the world of deceitful games.
They are the privileged lovers
who create a new world
with their eyes of fiery passion."
~ Rumi

And here is a a poem about love from Rumi spoken by Goldie Hawn 

Dec 17, 2011

Real Connection wanted

Here is something I read last week in a research paper. I wanted to stay at home, but after posting this I decided to go fetch a wine bottle and have a chat with my awesome neighbor. It's saturday night for god's sake. :)

We live in a world where the pace at which we live our lives makes it increasingly difficult to create real connections with the people and world around us.

We're stuck in fast-forward and the culture of speed is spilling over into our social lives. This speed makes it harder to connect and satisfy our basic human social needs for belonging, closeness, conviviality&friendship.

It's ironic that in a world where we are more connected than ever we feel less connection. We are connected all the time, in real time through mobile, email, instant messaging, tweets, texts&posts yet as a society we feel the depth of connection is missing.

It's never been easier to make friends but never been harder to form friendships. Our culture is increasingly defined by the quantity of friends we have on Facebook not the quality of friends sat around the dinner table.

And, when we do meet face-to-face it's getting more difficult to get beyond the small talk to the big talk. We consume everything in convenient bite-size. Chat shows now have 5 guests in an hour, we tweet in 140 characters and news is delivered in 60 second sound bites. Our digital behavior has influenced our real life social behavior. We've forgotten how to hold a conversation, stay on one subject, get beyond the small talk to the good stuff, the deep stuff, the rich stuff, the revealing stuff, the juicy stuff.

We've been given the media to get our ideas and thoughts out there. We are constantly on transmit but have forgotten how to listen? When it comes to conversation listening is equally important to talking. We've forgotten how to listen, to question, to challenge, to be interested. We get stuck in the same place trading sound-bites about ourselves and miss the opportunity to embark on a conversational journey neither could make on their own.

Dec 12, 2011

Love letter

Wow, here is a wonderful but heartbreaking love letter, I have found in a park yesterday. It was left under a park bench as if this woman wanted at least someone to read about her feelings. Hmmm, if they are meant to be, I hope they will get together at the end. In any case, just beautiful words...

So many things on my mind and yet, nothing really makes sense to me. All my thoughts are empty. Only he is on my mind. His face is in front of me, his big beautiful warm eyes that carry so much love and pain are all I can see in the emptiness of myself. It pains me not to be with him. Now that god has showed me his face again, now that our souls have finally found each other's half on earth, nothing else makes sense without him. It's our destiny to be together. I hope, he will feel that, too. "No one but you". No other, but your eyes. I want no other soul to dive inside the depths of me but yours." So much pain of separation, I feel. My soul is crying with dried-out tears, as his ecstasy is missing. He is my ecstasy. Are we two pillars of the same house or are we one? I want to merge with him. I want to flow and melt together right there without and within. This state of division is hardly bearable, unnatural, he is me and I am him. I am going crazy, but let me be. 
If we can't be together, oh god, please make me be strong enough to see the whole beauty of your world. Let me not wither like a flower without his sunshine, without his water, dying slowly of a lost soul-love. Instead, let me see your love in everything that surrounds me and let this love be sufficient for my heart. For my deeply longing ill mind tries to seduce me with sharp claws into sins, eager to rip out my heart in an instant when I look away, making my soul a slave to a dark land where you will leave me on my lost path to you.
I start to understand Romeo&Juliette's unendurable pain. Let me drink tonight as if this painful night of love never happened and yet I know, it will be written down in the books of the universe.

I love you. With all my heart.

(translated from German into English)

Nov 28, 2011


Knowing your presence
Has brought heaven to me.

Knowing your thought
Has brought light into my words.

Knowing your voice
Has brought expression to my life.

Knowing your existence
Has awaken my soul.

Finally, knowing your love
Has made me love again.

Nov 22, 2011

Love is the solution to all

Joy will only come and go like a passenger because the walls of one's incomplete love will constantly leak and get ultimately torn away by many factors that no one is able to control for as long as a lifetime. Love for everyone is the answer. Even for your enemy and you’ll see that no enemies are soon left. Even for the one that has a different view and you’ll see that her/his view deserves its stand, too. Even for yourself and you will see that you are perfect the way you are and you wouldn't wish to be anyone other than you.

We all have different gifts, but we all have the same source of love. 

“Love is the felt experience of connection to another being. An economist says ‘more for you is less for me.’ But the lover knows that more of you is more for me too. If you love somebody their happiness is your happiness. Their pain is your pain. Your sense of self expands to include other beings. This shift of consciousness is universal in everybody, 99% and 1%.” (Charles Eisenstein)

Please watch the video.

Nov 20, 2011

Life and Death / Leben und Tod / Hayat ve Ölüm

Two things are for sure: Life and Death. There, one has two options; the Lie or the Truth. However, everyone has one's own truths and lies. Therefore, after all, there is only one question left: Do you want to die of a lie or live truthfully? When you choose the former, you will have never lived. If you choose however the latter, you will have lived forever.
Es sind zwei Dinge sicher: Das Leben und der Tod. Dafür gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten; Wahrheit und Lüge. Doch jeder hat seine eigenen Wahrheiten und Lügen. Die Frage ist dann nur noch ob man einem erlogenen Tod erliegen oder ein wahrhaftes Leben führen möchte. Wenn du dich für das Erstere entscheidest, wirst du niemals gelebt haben. Doch beim Letzteren wirst du gelebt haben eine Ewigkeit.

Iki gercek vardir. Hayat ve Ölüm. Ayni zamanda Hayat ve Ölüm yalanlarda olabilirler. Herkesin kendi gercekleri ve yalanlari vardir. Tek kalan soru iste budur: Bir yalan üzeri mi ölmek yoksa gercek bir hayat mi yasamak istiyorsun? Eger ilkini secersen hic yasamis olmayacaksin. Ama ikincisini secersen  40 ömür kazanmis gibi yasayacaksin.

Nov 17, 2011

Ohne Titel (1)

Über dem Himmel eine glühende Sonne, unsere Gesichter erwärmend,
ich weiss, dass sie auch im Regen an meiner Seite stehen würde.

Auf der fruchtbaren Erde Blumen duftend in aller Pracht,
doch in trockenen Zeiten trauert sie mit mir bis das Farbenmeer wiedererblüht.

Zwischen den Strassen die Hektik der Massen,
in mir ist eine beruhigende Stille, Gedanken an sie.

In vollen Cafés laute Menschen mit Desinteresse am Leben,
zwischen 2 Stühlen eine unsichtbare geheimnisvolle Magie.

Filme der intellektuellen Elite, in Wirklichkeit aber Verwirrung der Schauspieler,
Unkenntnis der Zuhörer über die gesprochene Sprache,
daneben ist ihre Sprache die meines Herzens und keine Vorstellung ist klarer.

Ihr Körper und sein Atem klagend im stetigen Kampf,
eigentlich bin ich derjenige, der beraubt seines Atems in der Leere steht.

Ich laufe auf nackten Füssen,
hoffe dass ihre Seele das Fusspaar neben den meinen ist,
unsere Spuren so verbleibend im ewigen Sand.

Nov 13, 2011

Lose your soul to technology

Even if Justin Timberlake means only one special thing when he sings "Aayooh
I'm tired of using technology, I need you right in front of me", he might be right somehow in a bigger realm as well. What has technology made of us, of the world, what has it destroyed yet and where will it still take us? Please don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that we have mobile phones, airplanes and the internet, but please let us be aware that we are human beings and what makes us truly human is humane vivid communication - with others and with nature. And surely NOT at all costs. Soon enough we will become mechanical robots ourselves and we'll have lost all kind of sentiment. Love is the true nature of mankind.

I ask you to go out, smile at or even talk to a stranger, give your loved one a flower just like that, call your mothers and fathers, bring chocolate to work even though it is just another regular working day. People will ask you what is wrong with you or if it's your birthday, but let me tell you that then you are back on track of being human. Go back and love. I promise you, it'll feel great.

I just love this animation: THE INVENTION OF LOVE

Nov 5, 2011

Money Ethics

What is money and what does money do? There are many scientific explanations for money, but I want to give you my view of its capital function in one sentence: Regulation of human work and the functioning of a society accordingly.
 Well, the question I want to raise is “How would the world look like if money and cost efficiency didn’t matter in some areas?”I want to imagine a scenario where this would be true.

Let’s talk about energy: Nuclear and fossil power is about cost efficiency. If cost efficiency didn’t play a role anymore and governments wouldn’t care about how much money they need to build wind, water, solar and thermal power plants (let’s not forget: money is fictional, its limitation is set by governments and central banks), the entire earth would be green in maybe one year.

Let’s talk about education: What if education was free all over the world, from Kindergarten, elementary school, high school to university? I mean completely free. Since money and cost efficiency don’t play a role anymore, every school and every university would have state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to guarantee access and maximization of the ultimate learning environment. There would be enough teachers and professors to teach small classes. There would be enough tutors to also clear the last questions marks about some alleged difficult matter.

Let’s talk about healthcare: What if health care was available to everybody for free, enough doctors and enough nurses, enough good hospitals also in small urban or rural areas so that old or injured people wouldn’t have to drive for too long? Access to the best medication available on the market?

Let’s talk about private companies: Companies can focus on high-quality product innovation through huge investments in R&D because money and cost-efficiency do not matter. Therefore, in a few years we will have amazing environmental-friendly products that we could have never dream of before.

Let’s talk about NGO’s: So much money to promote peace projects and critical analysis all over the world.

Let’s talk about employment: The state has enough money to employ everyone who doesn’t find a job with a private company. Payment is of course great. Who would still not want to work for a good salary?

Let’s talk about transport: A huge full-electrical transport network (bus, metro, train) available 24/7 with a frequent schedule. No use for your own vehicle that is anyway fully electrical except for shopping or making love to your partner when there is no room available close by. Zero emission.

Let’s talk about garbage: Since money and cost efficiency don’t play a role anymore, we have enough work force and plants to recycle everything we can because we have the time and money to do so from the high-quality products that were built from companies that have the money to build such innovative recyclable products. Worldwide trash reduced by…. I don’t know, let’s say 80%?

I know there are always second thoughts to a solution of a problem, but isn’t this first thought just too sweet and worth all the risks to get there?

Oct 27, 2011

Separation from you / Trennung von dir

Separation from you
Is like a lonely winter sleep
Waiting for spring’s blossom
To awake it once again to life.

Separation from you
Is like the youthful spring
That will soon lose its innocence forever
To the seductive height of summer.

Separation from you
Is like the flaming summer, who without you,
Will not be able to escape its own hell
Falling with a burned heart into fall.

Separation from you,
Is like the death-sentenced fall
That is weeping into a lifeless winter
In blood-soaked colors.

Oh say you,
When will my longing heart
Be rewarded with your deathless love,
When will the pain of separation
In your ever presence find its peace.

Trennung von dir ist
wie ein einsamer Winterschlaf,
der auf die Frühlingsblüte wartend
zu neuem Leben erweckt werden möchte.

Trennung von dir ist
wie der jugendlich bunte Frühling,
der schon bald in der Hochzeit des Sommers
für immer seine Unschuld verlieren wird.

Trennung von dir ist
wie der glühendheiße Sommer , der ohne dich,
seiner eigenen Hölle nicht entkommen kann und sich
mit einem verbrannten Herzen in den Herbst rettet.

Trennung von dir ist
wie der Herbst, der zum Tode verurteilt
in blutgetränkten Farben wehleidig
auf einen leblosen Winter zustürzt.

Sage mir,
wann wird mein sehnsüchtiges Herz
mit deiner ewigen Liebe belohnt,
wann findet der Schmerz der Trennung
in deiner Gegenwart endlich für immer Frieden.

Oct 19, 2011

Mercedes Sosa - Todo cambia

Como ha dicho Erich Fried "Quien quiere que el mundo siga siendo como es, no quiere que siga siendo.

Aqui esta Mercedes Sosa, una mujer con una voz hipnotizadora que anda bajo la piel (apreta el imagen para escuchar su canción "cambia todo cambia").

Cambia lo superficial
Cambia también lo profundo
Cambia el modo de pensar

Cambia todo en este mundo

Cambia el clima con los años
Cambia el pastor su rebaño
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño

Cambia el mas fino brillante
De mano en mano su brillo
Cambia el nido el pajarillo
Cambia el sentir un amante

Cambia el rumbo el caminante
Aúnque esto le cause daño
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño

Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia

Cambia el sol en su carrera
Cuando la noche subsiste
Cambia la planta y se viste
De verde en la primavera

Cambia el pelaje la fiera
Cambia el cabello el anciano
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño

Pero no cambia mi amor
Por mas lejo que me encuentre
Ni el recuerdo ni el dolor
De mi pueblo y de mi gente

Lo que cambió ayer
Tendrá que cambiar mañana
Así como cambio yo
En esta tierra lejana

Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia
Cambia todo cambia

Pero no cambia mi amor...