Dec 12, 2011

Love letter

Wow, here is a wonderful but heartbreaking love letter, I have found in a park yesterday. It was left under a park bench as if this woman wanted at least someone to read about her feelings. Hmmm, if they are meant to be, I hope they will get together at the end. In any case, just beautiful words...

So many things on my mind and yet, nothing really makes sense to me. All my thoughts are empty. Only he is on my mind. His face is in front of me, his big beautiful warm eyes that carry so much love and pain are all I can see in the emptiness of myself. It pains me not to be with him. Now that god has showed me his face again, now that our souls have finally found each other's half on earth, nothing else makes sense without him. It's our destiny to be together. I hope, he will feel that, too. "No one but you". No other, but your eyes. I want no other soul to dive inside the depths of me but yours." So much pain of separation, I feel. My soul is crying with dried-out tears, as his ecstasy is missing. He is my ecstasy. Are we two pillars of the same house or are we one? I want to merge with him. I want to flow and melt together right there without and within. This state of division is hardly bearable, unnatural, he is me and I am him. I am going crazy, but let me be. 
If we can't be together, oh god, please make me be strong enough to see the whole beauty of your world. Let me not wither like a flower without his sunshine, without his water, dying slowly of a lost soul-love. Instead, let me see your love in everything that surrounds me and let this love be sufficient for my heart. For my deeply longing ill mind tries to seduce me with sharp claws into sins, eager to rip out my heart in an instant when I look away, making my soul a slave to a dark land where you will leave me on my lost path to you.
I start to understand Romeo&Juliette's unendurable pain. Let me drink tonight as if this painful night of love never happened and yet I know, it will be written down in the books of the universe.

I love you. With all my heart.

(translated from German into English)


  1. Hi, zuerst möchte ich danke sagen, für diesen Super-Blog!

    Was für ein Brief, wie schade, dass die Gabe zu Schreiben, nicht in jedem in uns liegt. Denn eine solche Empfindung, die hier so wunderschön von Liebestrauer, beschrieben wird,tragen wahrscheinlich Tausende oder gar Milinonen auf dieser Welt. -Wohl, seit der Existens der Liebe, in diesem Universum, es scheint, sich wahrscheinlich nicht viel geändert zu haben, seit dem..
    Welchen tiefen Ursprung hat wohl diese Trauer und welches Ziel?

  2. Ich denke das der Ursprung das Fehlen der Liebe ist, die Trennung von dem Göttlichen. An sich gibt es aber kein konkretes Ziel außer dem Sein, fühle ich. Im Sein, materiell und nichtmateriell, sichtbar und unsichtbar, entfaltet sich die Göttlichkeit in seiner ganzen Schönheit.

    Manchmal helfen allerdings einige für uns besondere Menschen, diese Schönheit noch klarer zu sehen. Sie spenden uns das nötige Sonnenlicht in unserer Dunkelheit. (Und wir Ihnen...)

    Vielen Dank für dein Kommentar! :)

  3. I have stopped believing that tragic love exists, except for in songs, movies, and such letters. Mutual, actual loving relationships - that's where it should be referred to as love..The rest i think is just drama; it has little to do with What i think of as "love"..
    .. Still it's certainly a sad and beautiful letter.

  4. Hi Liati,
    there are many ways and levels of describing and especially experiencing love. But in general, I agree with you. However, I think that experiencing pain from time to time is something important in order to reconnect or even grow your soul. Here is something, I have recently read about twin soul love:

    "Before one can physically unite with their Twin Soul, one must do the conscious work of healing and becoming whole within their self. Twin Soul love cannot exist in a codependent, ego-based relationship, or from a perceived "need" that the other person will make you whole. Both must often face separations while they strengthen their own connection to Spirit and find their strength and purpose on their own."

  5. I like what you said about twin souls...sometimes it's not love we misunderstand but the presence of mere thought of lacking it abandons us from understanding the simplest and omnipresent substance in world"LOVE" doesn't make us suffer or part us with somebody...Love doesn't enrich with true lovers's we who don't understand and bang into anybody proclaiming as our true love..expectations,desires,needs or wants just oppose the mere existence of love within us...a person in love with himself can engross in love with someone else because we love ourselves with no limits,no conditions so how can we agonize by desiring for something out of someone else when we know the charisma and beauty of indulging ourselves in unconditional love...
    our hearts don't aspire for suffering so we just ignore this mere fact and stubbornly keep searching for our counter part with all the limits we could set...the pain we go through is our soul's urge to understand about love after following this long and intractable that when we find our twin soul or our love we could appreciate our journey and learning from all the worthy experiences just to reach our destination with our counter part..
    love gives no pain, and pain is no drama it's a mesmerizing journey
    to make us understand just a mere thought with great importance
    "LOVE is UNCONDITIONAL,and if we understand just this we would no longer feel the pain of letting go"
    with love'

  6. Beautifully said. Thanks Sanya! To LOVE!

  7. I've always believed in twin souls. And I also agree on what you mentioned about it, Yilmaz.

    Came here from Paulo Coelho's blog.

  8. Hi lostforwords,

    glad that you have found somewordshereandthere :)

    wish you a great week!

