Nov 5, 2011

Money Ethics

What is money and what does money do? There are many scientific explanations for money, but I want to give you my view of its capital function in one sentence: Regulation of human work and the functioning of a society accordingly.
 Well, the question I want to raise is “How would the world look like if money and cost efficiency didn’t matter in some areas?”I want to imagine a scenario where this would be true.

Let’s talk about energy: Nuclear and fossil power is about cost efficiency. If cost efficiency didn’t play a role anymore and governments wouldn’t care about how much money they need to build wind, water, solar and thermal power plants (let’s not forget: money is fictional, its limitation is set by governments and central banks), the entire earth would be green in maybe one year.

Let’s talk about education: What if education was free all over the world, from Kindergarten, elementary school, high school to university? I mean completely free. Since money and cost efficiency don’t play a role anymore, every school and every university would have state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to guarantee access and maximization of the ultimate learning environment. There would be enough teachers and professors to teach small classes. There would be enough tutors to also clear the last questions marks about some alleged difficult matter.

Let’s talk about healthcare: What if health care was available to everybody for free, enough doctors and enough nurses, enough good hospitals also in small urban or rural areas so that old or injured people wouldn’t have to drive for too long? Access to the best medication available on the market?

Let’s talk about private companies: Companies can focus on high-quality product innovation through huge investments in R&D because money and cost-efficiency do not matter. Therefore, in a few years we will have amazing environmental-friendly products that we could have never dream of before.

Let’s talk about NGO’s: So much money to promote peace projects and critical analysis all over the world.

Let’s talk about employment: The state has enough money to employ everyone who doesn’t find a job with a private company. Payment is of course great. Who would still not want to work for a good salary?

Let’s talk about transport: A huge full-electrical transport network (bus, metro, train) available 24/7 with a frequent schedule. No use for your own vehicle that is anyway fully electrical except for shopping or making love to your partner when there is no room available close by. Zero emission.

Let’s talk about garbage: Since money and cost efficiency don’t play a role anymore, we have enough work force and plants to recycle everything we can because we have the time and money to do so from the high-quality products that were built from companies that have the money to build such innovative recyclable products. Worldwide trash reduced by…. I don’t know, let’s say 80%?

I know there are always second thoughts to a solution of a problem, but isn’t this first thought just too sweet and worth all the risks to get there?

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