Nov 13, 2011

Lose your soul to technology

Even if Justin Timberlake means only one special thing when he sings "Aayooh
I'm tired of using technology, I need you right in front of me", he might be right somehow in a bigger realm as well. What has technology made of us, of the world, what has it destroyed yet and where will it still take us? Please don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that we have mobile phones, airplanes and the internet, but please let us be aware that we are human beings and what makes us truly human is humane vivid communication - with others and with nature. And surely NOT at all costs. Soon enough we will become mechanical robots ourselves and we'll have lost all kind of sentiment. Love is the true nature of mankind.

I ask you to go out, smile at or even talk to a stranger, give your loved one a flower just like that, call your mothers and fathers, bring chocolate to work even though it is just another regular working day. People will ask you what is wrong with you or if it's your birthday, but let me tell you that then you are back on track of being human. Go back and love. I promise you, it'll feel great.

I just love this animation: THE INVENTION OF LOVE


  1. Haha, knowing Justin Timberlake he probably wasn't heading down the philosophical path with that line but I totally agree with your take on it. In fact, I have read a few of your articles on this blog (and may I add that this is my first blog experience! I came across your blog through your post on Paolo Coelho's Blog) and I'm really grateful that I did! Your posts are great. It is so refreshing, comforting and reassuring when you come across others who share the same philosophies and beliefs in life. From what I have read so far, your beliefs and views mirror my own in every way. I look forward to reading some of your older posts when I have time.

    On another interesting and perhaps synchronistic note, last night I packed a bag of chocolates to take into work today to share around and then today I came across your post... In fact, given our time difference (i'm assuming you're not from my part of the world) you may well have been posting as I was packing! ;-) Synchronicity really makes me smile. It is a constant reminder of the divine order of the universe. (Actually, I think "universe" is an oxymoron as "uni" means "one" and I definitely believe that there are parallel, if not infinite universes...). Speaking of which - the other day I was doing a google search on movies about parallel universes. I'm a bit of a sci-fi geek because I feel like that genre really opens your mind. Would you happen to know of any movies on parallel universes that you could recommend?

    That was a beautiful and yet hauntingly sad animation...

    Thank you for your blog and please keep up the good work...

    Liz :-)

  2. Hi Liz,
    how cool. You really sweetened the day of your colleagues then. They will be sweet to you, too ;)

    Have you read my thoughts from September on parrallel universes? Chapter 1 - Chapter 4 are dedicated to as to why it's probable that there are many more universes. What do you think?

    Well, I'm not sure about movies of parallel universes in that kind of sense, but Dune, Star Wars and Star Trek reflect pretty much all our problems on earth in universal terms. It's not about universes, but I can imagine that you might like "The man on earth"?

    Thanks for your post. I loved it :)
