Jan 29, 2012

Seeking without a lover

Oh holy seeker don't you see
Is your journey on earth and your cup to fill
Worth without the love of a lover
Alas, no love is love if there is only you and you
For otherwise the dream will not be loved
And the dreamer never knows more
Than of its mere scent and cover.

Oh holy seeker don't you see
That God gives us partners to sail the dream with
One can’t sail all alone on the unknown waves for
When the ocean gets mad and the storm becomes blind
Oh let there better be someone your soul has assigned
Holding the heavy wheel with you against all that is unkind
As together we are stronger in body and mind
Along the way we all need a helper,
That’s the reason the heart always seeks shelter.

Oh holy seeker don't you see
Do you still need counterfeit proof,
Keeping the soulmate in the distance unmet
When the time has come and the sun has set,
Will you close your eyes with another fool's grief
Or will you know about the love of Adam and Eve.


  1. Simply beautiful...these are just the words which every heart speaks out..the words that my heart pounds over to God silently with every passing time especially awaiting to meet the right one...



  2. Hi Sanya,

    yes, hopefully we will all find that kind of a lover. And as you say, we need to have patience so we earn him/her, too.

    Here is something I have read today again after a long time:

    an excerpt from henry drummond's book, the greatest thing in the world...

    since earliest times people have asked the great question: What is the supreme good? You have life before you. You can only live it once. What is the noblest object of desire, the supreme gift to covet?

    We have been accustomed to be told that the greatest thing in the religious world is faith. That great word has been the keynote for centuries of the popular religion; and we have easily learned to look upon it as the greatest thing in the world. Well, we are wrong. If we have been told that, we may miss the mark. In the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul takes us to Christianity at its source, and there we see, 'The greatest of these is love.'

    It is not an oversight. Paul was speaking of faith just a moment before. He says, ' and if I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing.' So far from forgetting, he deliberately contrasts them,. ' Now abideth faith, love, hope', and without a moment's hesitation the decision falls, ' The greatest of these is love.'

    1. I completely agree with you Yilmaz..
      In love means loving in deepest sense of the word..though we haven't met them but the faith to wait for the right one makes us love them from the present moment only...we don't need not be prepared for that perfect moment because even without them every moment is worth living...love simply arrives, moves in and starts directing everything....i just know that people who are in love do have an effect on the environment in which they live....

      OHH GODD!! these talks fills such an impulsive positiveness and drains hauling thoughts..

      Keep writing your so cool stuff...It feels great to talk with like minded people..

      GOD BLESS YOU!!!

      with love

  3. Its awesome.such depth.ummmnnn wonder from where u get such inspiration. i feel u need to be really lucky to meet the 'one'. Its difficult to know who that real one is.all d best to u .hope u find ur love,d one meant to be : )

  4. Es wäre schön auch mal was auf Deutsch zu lesen:))

  5. @ Sapna: I know. I've been there and I still am. Torn between reasoning and pure love. Every day. The inspiration I get from the ONE. Certainly god, but sometimes it can be the lover who makes you connect with god so intensely when I know that this is the ONE on earth.

    Thank you, I wish that you will also find the one. Just keep your eyes open and when you find the one, don't let go and fight for him/her.

    @ lenadona: Hi, jetzt habe ich auch etwas auf Deutsch gepostet :) Ich schreibe oft Gedichte und Texte in Deutsch und übersetze diese später in das Englische... Ich werde versuchen hin und wieder auch mal etwas auf Deutsch zu posten, okidoki.

    HERZliche Grüße
