Jan 24, 2012

Fake Identities

We all need identities. At least, so we think. But what is an identity? To answer that question,  we can start by looking into ourselves. But I want to go the other way around. I want us to think about how we perceive others. At the end, the way we look at others is no more than looking into our own mirror.

Every day is holy judgment day. Our judgement day because we behave like a jury. One minute we grade others like in a model show or another minute we rule as an honorless judge at high court. We go out on the streets and do our fine work. It doesn’t matter if it is about looks, skin color, cloth, money, religion, voice, music taste, sexual pereference or how someone likes his eggs cooked.

The mind automatically judges. This is good. This is bad. I like that, I don’t like that. This is right, this is wrong. Coming back to the identity question, most of the time we look at everything that is foreign to us with skeptical eyes. While we are babies, we look at all things with a fascinating interest, until our parents infuse us with what they believe is right and right there arbitrary identity is being born. Later with adolescence we become rebellious against basically everything. It’s a time of further identity shaping. We try new adventures, but smash them right into the ground some minutes later. At the beginning, the exotic seems alluring, but moments later when its unknown magic has vanished, we take out the whip and punish it with our own most exotic language. This is the phase where we grow our territory of horizon but paradoxically all at once stop at a point and put in concrete our identity fortress of stone. Soon, a dark period of endless medieval mouth war begins against everyone with a different view point other than that of our own. It’s a long weary war consisting of brute slaying or drowning defense claiming many victims but no real win winners.

Welcome nationalism, welcome religious fanaticism, welcome hate, welcome search without final destination for the perfect soulmate ending up in dating one shitty relationship after another. 

Isn’t it true that we just love our own “culture”, our own way of thinking? If everybody just listened to MY wise voice of eternal reason, if I ruled the world, everything would be better because I know what’s best and right. For every entire human being that wants to live in my fortress.

This is identity-building set in stone. We defined who we think we are. So far so good. Until the cracks begin to become visible and our best formula doesn’t seem to work for every situation. What we are missing in our equation is that if almost everybody thinks like that, then all what can be left is ignorance and broken glasses. Even if we somehow know that we are not perfect, we still think that we are 99% more right than the rest of the world. Just some of the multi-millionaires, famous actors, singers and models must know better otherwise they wouldn’t be that successful our mind tells us for consolation because we are yet not there where we want to be. And even then we try to find other excuses to explain their wealth. “They are idiots, but they got it from their rich parents. They have vitamin C. Lucky bastards, right place and time. Why not me? There needs to be an explanation why my life is miserable even though I know everything better. I know how the world should ideally function.”

We have to face reality: There are so many different religions in the world and all claim that they are the right ones. So many nations in the world that think they are the best ones. So many cities within countries that truly believe they are the greatest ones to live in. Don’t get me even started on soccer club fanatics… So many families within those cities that think they have the best values.

Let's stop this identity contradiction within us. We have to accept that we should be flowing rivers rather than obelisk monuments who have to show off their manhood. However, most people are not stuck in this latter solid state of total ignorance but resemble more viscous mud which affects our clear sight. If we can move from this viscous form to a fluid state, we will flow into the wide endless sea. We will become part of it. When we were younger, we needed someone to teach us how to swim in a little swimming pool. We needed to learn a certain technique by heart and train hard so we wouldn’t drown. We needed an identity. But with time, we have to let go of them and accept that there are many other individual techniques which can keep us over the water. Identity is not a race of the fastest; it’s about playing millions of different games in the water.

It’s nice to stare at the sea, but it’s nicer to get in, swim, surf and dive in it to feel and understand its whole beauty. Don’t be a stranger. The sea belongs to all of us or to no one. So take off your clothes of fake identities, get naked (maybe wearing a hot tiny swim suit) and get into the water.


  1. A hot tiny swim suit!? Is that what you LIKE? Now where does that identity come from!? :-)

    Well done Yamis! Very thoughtful words and yet they are so true.

    I guess we all search for identities because we are afraid of being lonely. We need belongingness and others with similar or same "fake identities" that agree with us which then will give us self-esteem.

    What we like and what we don´t like stems from the period of our childhood, but as we know it changes over time when we open up our mind.

    In the end it is all about LOVE. Either there is LOVE or lack of love. Prejudice are a conclusion of lack of love whereas positivity is derived from love.

    Identities and cultures can be good though if they are filled with love (not exagerated pride) and if other identities and cultures are not rejected but accepted and tolerated as equally right and good. But all this perception about others stems from political and economical influence in the world. It is like poison that is spread throughout cultures and people who can easily be influenced. Those people start to share their negative word-of-mouth or maybe they don´t, they might just remain silent but their thoughts are speaking...

    Never will such a person be convinced unless he or she EXPERIENCES the difference which might be through personal interaction with other cultures or questionning others prejudices which always stem from negative experiences!!

    Nevertheless I agree with you. We should not put these negative tags into our life but be FREE to achieve piece of mind and thus attract positive circumstances!

  2. Thanks for your comment dear Solvay.

    As always, I really appreciate it. If I connect the words you have written in capital letters then what I get is: LIKE LOVE EXPERIENCES FREE. Coincidence or not, I love it. ;) Love is experienced for free :)

    The hot tiny swimsuit sometimes needs to be there otherwise god's pure beauty will will be too much for the eyes if all veils disappear at once. There are secrets in the world that we will and should never know about... :D

    With love.

  3. You write "we will flow into the wide endless sea. We will become part of it."
    Retrouver son état primitif, d'humain qui vit en osmose avec la terre qu'il habite. Retrouver son essence même, et sentir son corps vibrer en harmonie avec les vagues et le vent... j'adore.
    Quel luxe ! et dans notre petite vie attachée au matériel, combien de personnes savent encore savourer leur nature ?
    Regain its original state of man that lives in harmony with the land they inhabit. Find the essence and feel his body vibrate in harmony with the waves and wind ... I love it.
    What a luxury! and our little life attached to the equipment, how many people still know how to enjoy nature?
    Vous avez raison, les humains sont trop attachés à leur culture , à leur religion, à leurs habitudes de vie. Il est naturel d'aimer ce que nos parents nous ont transmis, même si c'est criticable. Si l'on rejette cette culture là, cela signifie que l'on rejette ses propres parents et leurs valeurs. C'est toujours difficile. Il faut avoir suffisamment grandit suffisamment mûri pour pouvoir faire cette démarche intellectuelle, et donc avoir obtenu un certain dégré de culture !!! C'est pas l'enseignement que l'on obtient cette culture, et devenir critique sur ce que l'on vous a appris est une démarche personnelle supplémentaire, que tout le monde ne pourra pas faire spontanément.
    You are right, humans are too attached to their culture, their religion, their lifestyle. It is natural to love what our parents have given us, even if it is objectionable. If we reject this culture there, it means that we reject their own parents and their values. It is always difficult. You must have grown sufficiently matured enough to make this intellectual approach, and thus obtaining a certain degree of culture! It's not education that you get this culture, and become critical of what they taught you is a personal extra that everyone can not do spontaneously.
    La question de la religion est encore plus sensible sur ce point, elle vous est imposée par votre famille, le plus souvent, et quand en grandissant, vous devenez critique sur ses imperfections, on vous fait taire en disant que c'est un blasphème. Pourtant, la religion est un invention humaine de plus, dans chaque culture, alors elle est évidemment imparfaite comme le sont tous les hommes. L'idée de l'existence de Dieu est commune à toutes les civilisations, et la création semble difficilement être le fruit du hasard. Mais quel dommage que les communautés humaines s'entretuent pour imposer aux autres, leur vision personnelle de ce Dieu. Quel Dieu aurait voulu toute cette souffrance ?
    The question of the religion is even more sensitive on this point, it is imposed upon you by your family, most often, and when growing up, you become critical of its shortcomings, you will be silenced by saying it is a blasphemy. However, religion is a human invention more in each culture, then it is obviously imperfect, as are all men. The idea of ​​the existence of God is common to all civilizations, and the creation seems to hardly be a coincidence. But what a shame that human communities killing each other to impose their personal vision of God. What God wanted all this suffering?
    C'est pourquoi j'en reviens à votre idée finale, et me délecte de cette image, du retour à l'Océan, avec un tout petit maillot de bain, pour mieux sentir les embruns sur ma peau et le bercement des vagues dans mes cheveux. Vos mots sont justes comme souvent.
    Bon dimanche à Vous Yilmaz.
    That's why I come back to your final idea, and I revel in this image back to the ocean, with a tiny bathing suit, the better to feel the spray on my skin and the rocking of the waves in my hair. Your words are just as often.
    Good Sunday to you Yilmaz. M Christine Grimard

  4. Retrouver son état primitif, d'humain qui vit en osmose avec la terre qu'il habite. Retrouver son essence même, et sentir son corps vibrer en harmonie avec les vagues et le vent...

    Merveilleux! À nouveau, merci à toi Marie-Christine.
