Aug 22, 2011


The only thing that can save us is being unconditionally in love with humanity. Getting mad, protesting, asking for a change of system and disobedience won't bring us anywhere unless it leads us to a revolution of love. No matter if we jump from capitalism to communism or vice-versa (or any other political or economical system in that respect), take down capitalistic banks or "freedom-of-speech-oppressing" dictators such as Gaddafi or Castro and put all violators of law behind bars. A short time later, if love is missing, all measures will lead to the same kind of terror, only this time with different players and different names. Why is that? The truth is simple. It would only be a change from one tyranny to another tyranny of discontent. 2 unhappy persons, for two different reasons, are still called unhappy.  A society is merely a mirror image of its own values, so are its systems that are constantly being reproduced by society itself. Therefore, what mankind really needs is love, this is the only right cure for our disease so that any kind of further exploitation won't be reproduced anymore. 

We can overthrow regimes, change political and economical systems, give every human being on earth 1 Million € or $, buy everyone a villa and a Ferrari, but in less than a few years, there will be poverty, injustice, mistrust, war and murder all over the place again. 

As a former Procter & Gamble (one of the largest companies in the world) CEO once said, "If you leave us our money, our buildings, and our brands, but take away our people, the Company will fail. But if you take away our money, our buildings, and our brands, but leave us our people, we can rebuild the whole thing in a decade."

People are the only key. This is also true for societies. We can change the state of the world for good only if we change the people in the first place, the system change will automatically follow. That is only possible by giving and teaching unconditional love to the current and especially to next generations to come. Love means amongst other things showing affection, donating enough of your time, respecting different views and accepting others for who they really are, regardless of their flaws. Nobody is perfect. The least women are as lucky as to look like Heidi Klum after being alive for 38 years (and 3 marriages) and giving birth to 4 babies. We men surely are all no George Clooneys or Johnny Depps. I’m sure there are even some who actually don’t think that these guys are perfectly beautiful. Because there is no real perfection and even if there was, it is different for everyone. Are we, the other 99% worth less just because we don’t look like famous actors or models, do not have the same qualities like Tiger Woods, George W. Bush or Paris Hilton? I’m just saying that everyone makes mistakes and we will continue to make them because we are humane. Someone once said, „I err therefore I’m human. “ By the way, if you haven’t guessed the answer yet, it’s a no, we are all worth the same. All in our very unique way, we all have different talents; we just need to figure them out. That is why we all deserve love. Even if we talk about very nice guys like Sadam Hussein or Bin Laden that have spread terror around the world. Those guys did what they did probably because they grew up around people who didn’t show them enough true love, a love that they longed after since they were little kids and even now as grown-ups.

Consequently, we first need to start working on ourselves. We have to ask, how do I behave to my neighbors, to my colleagues, to my friends and to my family, to unfamiliar people on the street, to Mother Nature, to other religions including non-believers, people with different sexual tastes and most importantly to myself? If you don’t love yourself, you pretty much won’t be able to love anybody else anyway. What do you think how kids will behave later in their lives when they haven’t received love from their parents, have been left alone, when they were mocked for once not knowing an answer or just for being different than the unicolor group? When they feel in a 24h race of Lemans of who is the smartest in mathematics, who wears the most fashionable branded cloths or who can beat a kid up the worst. The one who wins the race gets the love. Well, guess what, at one point in life, you start to hear your shocking voice asking yourself some inconvenient questions whether that love was/is honest and once you realize the rightful blasphemy that you charge yourself with, you try to forget about these unholy questions as fast as possible. I say, listen to your voice, because it is the voice of your heart. Do not fear the consequences. Once you taste the real world, like Neo did in Matrix, you may fear it, but don’t try to resist it. Reality is always sweeter than the illusion, even if it hurts at the beginning, you will set your soul free and your world will soon turn into paradise. 

What goes around comes around. Well, the reality is that once we give love to everyone, the world will stop hating, murdering, deceiving and oppressing and will give that love back to us. Violent regimes, financially exploitative private (central) banks and companies thinking of man as machines will cease to exist and convert to „institutions of love“. The meaning of „power“ will change. In the last centuries power meant accumulation of money, political fame or Hollywood-type fame. In the 21st century, the revolution of love will bring real power to us. 

ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. The Beatles had it all figured out already in 1967. What are you waiting for? Go out and start loving! :) I love you ALL.

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