Aug 20, 2011

I have a dream...

Once upon a time Martin Luther King had a dream. He rightfully dreamed of the same rights granted for his people, independent of skin color or descent, in a country that had promised freedom and equality for all men since its independence. The same rights that were already declared on the historic day of June 12th, 1776: "That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety (Article 1, Virginia Declaration of Human Rights)." 

But if I look at the current state of the world, I see too much unhappiness, poverty, unemployment, inequality, discrimination, competition, fear of losing, separation etc. all build on false dreams. Greed and Egoism are the dominant reasons for this. We as human beings are raised in this way from the early beginning of childhood. Our parents want us to start speaking and walking faster than other babies. If we do, they love us. If we are later than "the usual", something is wrong with us. In schools and at our jobs we are always put in competition with each other. We are measured in grades, in efficiency. Maximum quality produced in a minimum of time. Who gets a better output with a relatively small input is the winner. THE WINNER. Yes, being a winner. That's what we are told. We have to be winners. But if there are winners, there also have to be losers. It is like the game "musical chairs" (in German: Die Reise nach Jerusalem). At least one person has to lose. Our capitalistic system has surely brought unmatched levels of innovation to the world. But the capitalistic system has now turned into a monster, a giant octopus that spreads its tentacles all around the world on every nation and on every man. The octopus now strangles us with its long and strong tentacles. It has made us its slaves. It's time to rise against this ugly oppressor of ours like many of our ancestors have done in the past. Like Martin Luther King has done on his march to Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.

Now it's time that we start dreaming again. We need to start dreaming of rights that we as human beings deserve by state of nature and by law enacted by a just society - fighting against any forces that intend to deprive us of these. On the front, (central) banks, multinational conglomerates and other powerful lobbies are destroying our dreams. Even worse, they give us false dreams and create illusions of scarcity to keep us in their slavery. But behind this veil of hypocrisy, there is the pure and simple character of greed of the very few. Greed for power and control. In ancient times, while this was done through slavery and imperialism, in modern times it is done through capitalism of which its sole task now is to maximize profit, market share and ultimately shareholder value. In other words, greed for power and control.

Well, now I have a dream. I have a dream that one day all companies' efforts are to maximize bliss instead of profit. Not only for a few powerful men that nobody knows of, but also for its employees that give their valuable labor to the company. I have a dream that employees, clients, customers, consumers and employers work together to bring about true happiness instead of greed and competition. Everyone will go to a work which they actually love going to, not to just some job which they hate or are indifferent about. Their hearts will be endlessly rich and abundance will be widespread across every nation and within every family and individual. I have a dream... 

Thanks Mr. King. Also thanks to capitalism for all the good things it has brought to humanity. But now it is time to say good-bye.

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